Thursday, June 23, 2011

Baby Elephants abused in circuses

Did you ever stop and think where they get all the elephants in the circuses? They look so cute all performing their acts. They look so well behaved and sweet and docile. Even the babies running along behind the others holding their tails look so happy and playful. The truth is that elephants are stolen from the wild, being beaten and tranquilized to endure a usually long and terrifying journey to their new captivity and horror, the circus. Typically babies are stolen since they can be beaten and abused into performing unnatural acts easier than the adults. They are beaten bloody with bullhooks to force them to stand on their hind legs or their front legs, on each other or even on their heads. They perform these acts due to sheer terror of being beaten again. This is their whole life and elephants live well into their 60's. Can you imagine being chained every day in a concrete cell, only able to move a few feet left to right and then forced to perform and also travel thousands of miles in crowded filthy conditions? Sounds slightly familiar doesn't it? Well, this is pretty close to how we treated human slaves in the United States as recently as 100 years ago (and as we know, many countries continue to still enslave others today). We finally realized this was cruel and barbaric even though we had to kill each other in a war to finally end it. So why is it so different for the animals? Why did we finally "get it" that it was not ok to abuse and hold another human being in slavery yet the animals have no rights and don't deserve to be protected and saved?

Ringling Bros is constantly being sued for acts of abuse towards their animals. Their CEO has admitted to these claims in a courtroom. But what happens? They get a fine and they just keep on doing what they do and millions and millions of people continue going to the circus. We don't like to feel uncomfortable, we don't like to think of things that make us sad so we just go and try not to think of how the animals might be treated behind the scenes. I urge you to think about the suffering they endure their entire lives. Do you really want to support an industry that is based on cruelty? Can you ever go to a circus again and not think about it?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fun for the summer!

Well it's finally here! The longer days, the sunny weather, the beach that's calling you. And we have plenty of new products for your green lifestyle. New in this season are sustainably made all natural rubber flip flops. Did you know that rubber is made from the sap of the rubber tree? They gather the sap similar to how maple syrup is collected by tapping the tree and allowing it to run into a bucket. This process doesn't hurt the tree and allows it to grow on for many many years. These flips flops are ultra comfortable, made by a podiatrist and you will feel good knowing that they are eco-friendly.

We also have lots of new jewelry and bags from Guatemala. The artisans are so skilled at making tiny beaded designs into various flower shapes. They also make recycled Huipil bags, made from the colorful tops the women stitch for themselves. Intricate flowers are handsewn onto cotton fabric. The women take great pride in their clothing and when a piece becomes older, they reuse the fabric and turn them into these beautiful bags.

Our local jewelry artist, Krista Lynn Designs, has been making a lovely selection of handmade jewelry. Crystals, gemstones, seeds and ceramic are used to make one of a kind creations. Her jewelry never lasts long in the shop but don't worry, she is always busy making us new items.

Another of our favorite new items is our Fab Mats. These are recyled woven plastic outdoor mats that are perfect for your deck or patio. They are available in 3x5, 4x6 or 6x9 in a variety of colors and designs. Just hose them off from time to time. They are extremely easy to care for.

So stop in and say hello, we are always happy to see old friends and make new ones! Have a great summer!